英検 準1級,2級,準2級 2次試験対策講座 ~ EIKEN Interview practice ~
Message from Mr. JamesTo pass the Eiken interview students need their grammar, and vocabulary knowledge, they also need their reading and listening skills. However, it is just as important to have ideas and opinions! I recommend that students practice thinking and making opinions about all areas of life. It will really help them. Finally, PRACTICE! The more you practice the better your chances of success. Good luck everyone. |
Message from Ms. ShelbyCongratulations on passing the Eiken writing test! Today, many Toyo students have strong English reading and writing skills. I am very impressed. Toyo students are always working hard to improve their English skills. Before the speaking test, the native English teachers at Toyo will do some Eiken interview preparation. One-on-one sessions during lunch and group sessions after school. This is a great opportunity to practice speaking English and prepare for the Eiken interview test. I hope to see you there and good luck! |